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  1. S

    Our beautiful girl has left us

    @kheper Yeah it hits fast and hard. She was fine Monday, threw up her breakfast Tuesday, was at the vet all day Thursday and Friday. By Sunday she had trouble breathing and couldn't walk. I know how hard of a call it is to make but if they are suffering, it isn't fair to them to keep them with...
  2. S

    Our beautiful girl has left us

    Not looking for pity, support, or anything, she just loved everyone she met and wish she could have met all of you and your doggies, that's all. Hugs for all pups out there.
  3. S

    Our beautiful girl has left us

    I never liked seeing these but our super healthy pup got sick last week. Brought her to the vet to find she had stage IV leukemia. We had a vet come to her favorite place and laid her on her bed with her favorite toy. I just want you all to see how pretty and sweet she was. This is her last...