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  1. R

    Grooming advice for a cocker spaniel x Golden retriever?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I have tried two different kinds of blackening agent shampoo but to no avail. It just stained everything but her!
  2. R

    Grooming advice for a cocker spaniel x Golden retriever?

    @peterblom30 She was clipped very short the first time, against my wishes, a 2 or 3 maybe? From what I can gather she doesn't have a double coat, but she does seem to be thicker on her rear end. I too am apprehensive to clip her again. Thank you for your advice! A trim may be the way to go.
  3. R

    Grooming advice for a cocker spaniel x Golden retriever?

    @compassion4humanity Thank you so much for your advice! I will definitely look into combs. I think you are absolutely correct when you say flat coated retriever! Thank you for that too, its amazing to know what she is and know more about her! :)
  4. R

    Grooming advice for a cocker spaniel x Golden retriever?

    Hi all, I own a wonderful girl named Bella, who is presumed to be a cocker spaniel x golden retriever (she was a pound puppy). Photos for reference: When she was 1.6 yo (she is now 3) we clipped her twice, due to extreme heat and she seemed to be getting very hot. After this however, she...