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  1. M

    7.5 month pup, with me since a week, 2 questions

    @kate2018 Thank you for your answer! It does sound like he’s clearing his throat. I’ll wait and see how it develops. It is kinda cold and wet where I live, but I don’t think he has a problem with that. He comes from Bulgaria where the winters are a lot colder. It does rain more over here but...
  2. M

    7.5 month pup, with me since a week, 2 questions

    Hi, a week ago I adopted a 29 week old pup. He has been settling very well and behaves good. I am a first time dog owner and have run into 2 "issues". First issue is health related. Since yesterday he has been coughing and kinda wretching from time to time, like something is stuck in his throat...