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  1. L

    My dog lunged at a jogger - What could I have done differently?

    @ladyjaden She has. As I said, Loki was completely unfazed afterwards and after she shook she didn’t have another reaction, even though we walked past people and dogs. She had people cycling past her, kids walking past her, even had an old guy talking to her and just wagged her tail. It was this...
  2. L

    My dog lunged at a jogger - What could I have done differently?

    @virtuous77 I do that pretty much every morning - we drive to the beach which is Loki’s favourite place, but on the advice of my behaviourist I’m supposed to be walking her in higher traffic areas to get her used to them. I don’t walk her in these areas every day, so that she can calm down, but...
  3. L

    My dog lunged at a jogger - What could I have done differently?

    @levicoleman The problem with living in the countryside is this isn’t always possible. Not all of us live in places that have wide open spaces that allow that. And I am always aware of what could happen, which is why she’s got 2 different leads on. She lunged but barely got off the ground. She...
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    My dog lunged at a jogger - What could I have done differently?

    This happened yesterday evening and it’s been playing on my mind all night. I have a 3.5 year old rescue GSD called Loki. She’s very anxious, reactive, and startles easily. To deal with this I’ve been walking her at 4am to avoid most people and dogs. I’m spending a lot of money and time on...
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    Concerned about GSD’d Health

    @hesgoturback I rescued a 2.5 year old GSD from a shelter after they stepped in and took her from her neglectful owner. She weighed about 52lbs (24kgs) and was skin and bones. She was a nervous wreck, wouldn’t eat or would eat so quickly I’d second guess whether I’d put food in her bowl. She...
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    I don’t know what to do at this point

    @sally_wheeler I’m in a very similar position with my 3.5 year old GSD rescue, Loki. She walks so well when it’s just us, but as soon as she sees another dog she goes nuts. I’ve had my finger dislocated, been dragged across fields, given a concussion, all sorts. My behaviourist now wants her to...