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  1. W

    Training bite inhibition when none exists

    @kotunspecial Thank you. How did you teach bite inhibition? If I give him a chew toy so his mouth is occupied while trying to cut his hair, he’ll drop it and go to bite HARD whatever human limb is near him. He loves frozen kongs and even that can’t overcome his aggressive behavior during grooming.
  2. W

    Training bite inhibition when none exists

    @kotunspecial Thanks so much. Oh, you’re right he’s biting to hurt. It’s like he doesn’t mouth anymore, just kill bite. We did a ton of ‘touch’ object sensitivity training with a trainer and practice a LOT with him. But when it comes down to actual grooming or touching paws, he goes bezerk. We...
  3. W

    Training bite inhibition when none exists

    We have what we think is 1.5-2 years old shelter dog who resource guards (getting better, but prone to relapses) and has zero bite inhibition except when he wanted to ‘mouth’ when in cuddle mode after sleeping or eating. I stop cuddle mode when he does this, and he hasn’t really mouthed in...