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  1. 1

    Sudden loss of appetite of my 1.2 y/o female Shepard

    @lisab123 Are you exercising her before you put out food? Maybe try adding some gravy on the food or try wet food after working up her appetite. I'm no expert, but something tells me leaving food out all day probably makes her want it less because it's always available, so she probably doesn't...
  2. 1

    Partner and I took on 2 pups from the same litter. Week 2…

    @beaconlight94 Our breeder was telling us a story of someone who picked up 2 pups from the same litter... it doesn't turn out well. This person had worked with horses and dogs all their life and thought they could handle 2x GSD pups, needless to say, one of them ended up back with the breeder.
  3. 1

    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @aveotheotokos Yeah, there's nothing balanced about either of them. I hate Zaks Holier than Thou attitude, can't stand people like that. You gotta do what you gotta do for the dog. Theres so many dogs being sent to kill shelters and being abandoned because no one taught them that they cant...
  4. 1

    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @gineke Sorry to hear. Honestly, thinking about this. I don't even know if it has anything to do with the term balanced trainers. I think it might be the "tools" associated with balanced training. You could use whatever term you want but I think those people, as soon as they see or hear...
  5. 1

    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @gineke I'm not a dog trainer. But I would've defended the label balanced trainer and said the dog daddy is not a trainer and he's an abusive POS that has nothing to do with balanced training. I think people need education on balanced training. Sensational media blows up people like dog daddy...