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    Petsmart classes raising my blood pressure

    @ruke This is a good idea! We use a bully stick if we take her to a brewery or outdoor restaurant, it definitely helps her refocus.
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    Petsmart classes raising my blood pressure

    @loraelise I went through half a bag tonight! I do the same trying to keep her attention, but boyyyy it’s a challenge. I’ll kick it up a notch next week with some turkey or chicken.
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    Petsmart classes raising my blood pressure

    @candice456 Thank you. I can’t completely snark on them because I am learning some valuable things so far. I just feel like it’s a hostile environment with crazy dogs and a snotty trainer. It’s not a total wash, just wish it were going smoother!
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    Petsmart classes raising my blood pressure

    @jlsmrs Socialization was my main reason for the class, but there is virtually zero. We’re all in our own taped off covid corners. She already knows much of what they teach. If your pup is going to work on therapy training I would totally bypass any pet store puppy classes.
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    Petsmart classes raising my blood pressure

    @dizredux All of these suggestions are great, thank you!
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    Petsmart classes raising my blood pressure

    We got our 5 month old Goldendoodle into puppy class and tonight was our fourth week. Every week I leave that store sweaty, aggravated and stressed out. My dog is great, she’s smart, sweet, silly, (too) friendly...but holy hell she’s so obnoxious in class. She L O V E S other dogs and people...