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  1. V

    Recall training methods

    @rottenfisher IMO, an ecollar is the only surefire way to get a response in 100% reliability. There were so many situations we came across that my voice would not have ever sufficed. My dog was 4 years old, adopted at 3.5 years old from a shelter. As a Doberman, he already had significant...
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    Can I train my dog to use bells if I can’t hear them sometimes?

    @donwetzel To me it seems way easier to just do scheduled bathroom breaks. Let your dog out before you come upstairs to be with your family. I’ve had over a dozen dogs and never trained any to a bell. Dogs I know that are bell trained start to do this all the time out of boredom. I just take...
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    Gentle leaders

    @kyredneck IMO, most harnesses are a hindrance more than a help unless you actually want the dog to pull. Even no-pull harnesses don’t let you control the dog’s head, which tends to influence how well you can redirect their behavior in my experience. They also can adjust their gate to still pull...