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  1. K

    New rescue and I attacked by a dog on a walk

    @sunshine74 No problem. I can only imagine how this must feel for you. You got injured as well after all, so maybe it is also good for your own peace of mind to build up slowly. I wish you the best of luck.
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    New rescue and I attacked by a dog on a walk

    @sunshine74 I feel like this is normally a wait and see situation. When our dog got bitten we've seen it get worse over time, despite him originally being mostly calm in his group lesson. Right after the bite (no medical attention was needed) we went to our group class. Took him two weeks to go...
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    Solo visit to Petsmart made me feel so much better

    @quakerplayer Good thing you (and lots of others) are advocating against dominance theory. I'm doing my own part in educating family members, new dog owners I know and even sneakily my boyfriends parents who "always owned a dog" about the dangers of dominance theory and that there are other...
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    Solo visit to Petsmart made me feel so much better

    @habanero Some days I honestly wished that I was blissfully unaware of dog body language and would not care about my dog reacting like some owners. Ofcourse I have learned a lot and I will be one less factor for others to stress about when struggling with a reactive dog, but after almost crying...
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    Y’all are amazing

    @porcelainheartx What a nice post! Thank you. I recently asked myself the question "if I knew all of this before adopting, would I do it all again even if I could change nothing?". The answer is yes. I love this dog and he deserves the best life we can give him. What a sweet gesture to learn...
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    F the B that gave me and my dog a dirty look

    @stateemil To be honest I feel like people are going to judge you no matter what you do. Your dog barks and lunges because the situation got too stressful (even if you tried everything you had to get away) --> judgement. Your dog was fine until theirs started barking but yours is bigger so their...