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  1. J

    New dog going berserk after two weeks??

    @esta25 Honestly he’s an amazing dog, aside from the recent behavior he’s incredibly smart and sensitive as well as receptive of our emotions. We have to essentially toddler proof the house because that’s how smart he is. It’s a wonder why his original family threw him out on the streets. :(
  2. J

    New dog going berserk after two weeks??

    @esta25 Also I’ve tried puzzle toys for him, the ones I could find in any online or in person store here were to easy for him and was just a free snack haha.
  3. J

    New dog going berserk after two weeks??

    @esta25 Unfortunately I live in Istanbul, a very unfriendly place for dogs. Maybe 1 or 2 small dog parks in the entire city. The apartment complex I live in has a nice area for dogs but its ungated and they refuse to add a gate for some reason so off leash is not an option (tried it and he...
  4. J

    New dog going berserk after two weeks??

    @esta25 Sorry about the choice of wording on berserk, he doesn’t attack other animals or humans. I have just never had a dog with such destructive behavior. We constantly take him on short walks 5x a day, long walks 2x a day and spend lots of time playing with his toys. I don’t know what else I...
  5. J

    New dog going berserk after two weeks??

    My husband and I rescued a golden Labrador mix about two to three weeks ago and up until now he has been an angel. Potty trained as soon as we brought him home, does not pull leash , and slept and cuddled most of the day. Now everything has taken a complete 180. First some background info...