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  1. J

    First time dog owners.. neglected 17 mo old rescue or puppy from breeder?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Let me clarify. I don’t want a dog who is constantly jumping on others, and I associate this kind of behavior with other overly-friendly breeds like goldens or doodles. I want the dog to be chill with strangers. Cocker spaniels/beagals are too mouthy. Dachshund are good but...
  2. J

    First time dog owners.. neglected 17 mo old rescue or puppy from breeder?

    @symphorian Ah ok. Very good to know! In this case, yes we’d have to alternate working from home between the two us which would be doable and not a dealbreaker for the first 4-6 weeks we own them. Just wouldn’t be our preference long-term.
  3. J

    First time dog owners.. neglected 17 mo old rescue or puppy from breeder?

    @symphorian I have a hard time believing people with full-time jobs can’t raise a puppy successfully. We are financially able to do whatever it takes AKA bring puppy to doggy daycare and/or hire dog walker 2-3 times a week instead of WFH 5-days a week as we value our in-office time quite a bit...
  4. J

    First time dog owners.. neglected 17 mo old rescue or puppy from breeder?

    Crosspost from r/poodles. Note that both dogs in question are a standard poodle. We are (excitedly!) looking to get our first dog. We are a married couple in our late twenties. Poodles seem like a great fit for us as we want a calm and peaceful, gentle soul who can kind of just roll with the...