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  1. F

    I’m not a groomer, but I’m offering grooming to a training client due to her breeds and I have pricing questions

    @amy15 Wow! You are efficient! Thank you for your insight, that’s much closer to the pricing I feel comfortable with. I don’t want to sour our professional relationship by undervaluing my labor or price more than im worth as an amateur groomer. I do have all the bits and bobs like a grooming...
  2. F

    I’m not a groomer, but I’m offering grooming to a training client due to her breeds and I have pricing questions

    I am NOT a groomer, but I am a fear free dog trainer, and offer grooming to clients on an as needed basis related to handling and training needs. So this gal has: one Belgian malinois, two Dutch shepherds, and two pitties. The sheps need wash, dry, blowout, but the pitties only need wash and...