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    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    @dragonite It would be worth getting a vet check just to make sure there’s nothing underlying, because dogs should be able to go without toilet breaks for that long. It could also be just because he’s got into that routine, so doesn’t know what else to do, in which case i think the only thing...
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    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    Unless this is during the night too. Most dogs won’t need a toilet break during sleeping time
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    Reactive, anxious dog wants to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours

    @dragonite That sounds about right. He wants to go to the toilet, don’t force him not to. You’ll end up with a dog that starts doing it in the house because he doesn’t think you’ll let him. My dog usually goes about 4 hours and then starts asking.
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    Urgent advice please! Staying with family and my dog gets triggered by hyper child

    @nafis4268 You need to stand up for your dog, before something bad happens. Your dog is telling you he’s extremely stressed out and feels very unsafe, because of this child, and you need to do something about it. This is not your dogs fault. Imagine being tied up all the time, with a weird...
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    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    @outlawingrace Try switching to a harness. Not only do collars cause damage especially if she’s thrashing around, but a harness will give you better control and make her more comfortable. Did you talk to the vet about the problem? Does she get opportunities to run around and get her energy...
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    9 month golden attacks me on walks

    @outlawingrace What do you walk her on, equipment wise, eg harness, collar? Have you taken her to the vet? Could be rated to a pain issue. Maybe reach out to the breeder again and explain the issue. If you can’t afford a behaviourist or a trainer it might be better to see if the breeder will...
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    What a day!

    @gibbs41 It’s probably because it was in the garden not your house. So your dog wasn’t as on edge as he would be if the friend had come straight into the house. Regardless, that is great news for you!