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  1. 1

    Loose leash walking with reactivity?

    @themanwhosinned My main worry with luring her into a heel position and continuously treating is that I'll make her tubby, haha. She gets jackpots and treats often enough for reactivity training, and I reckon we'll mow through treats if I have to be an endless treat dispenser when she's next to...
  2. 1

    Loose leash walking with reactivity?

    @coltproulx I live in a dense neighbourhood so there aren't very many off-peak times, especially after the pandemic started and everyone got dogs. Office and large car parks is a good idea, though! Thanks very much, we'll try going from training at home to the car parks, then out and about.
  3. 1

    Loose leash walking with reactivity?

    Hello! Using a throwaway because I'm quite embarrassed and frustrated with my dog (F, 5 y/o, GSD/Lab mix). Besides her chronic fearful reactivity, we struggle a lot with loose leash walking because she pulls like a truck and loves to rush to the end of the leash to choke herself (she wears a...