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    Conjunctivitis help?

    @candyfloss28 I have a client at my work where this happens when her dog get conjunctivitis, use a e-collar (cone) and what I’ve done in the past is a warm compress before applying eye drops to give it a good cleaning.
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    My puppy won't stop eating poop, it's ruining my relationship with my fiancé

    @givemeareason I mean training your dog could be a good start. I work at a daycare and I’m a manager/trainer guess what I do, I separate the dogs known to eat poop and we contact their parents and have them work on leave it. Leave it is the thing you need to teach, any dog I’ve gotten under 6...
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    Dogs grapefruit sized growth

    @4606 When my dog was 13 and had an issue and the vet wouldn’t even look at or touch it I got a second opinion, I’m not saying do surgery but see if another vet could possibly give a better solution to what’s going on
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    Is my dog dying?

    @tealady3 I would bring him to a different vet, you know your dog better.
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    Dogs grapefruit sized growth

    @eb3 Is there anyway they can put a permanent drain in it so it’s not as painful for your little one?
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    Dogs grapefruit sized growth

    @eb3 Honestly I’d go to a different vet for a second opinion not even wanting to touch it is weird as hell
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    Where do you leave your dog? E.g doggy daycare or at home

    @dougra2000 My dog is at the doggy daycare I work at/manage so like she’s with me basically always when it comes to work hours which is nice since I know where she is and what she’s doing at all times. That being said I don’t have to pay so I don’t worry about costs like that luckily.
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    Dog on lead, approached leading to a fight

    @nhacaik Check your laws, but also look into getting Tee fixed, no need to keep him intact unless you’ll be breeding him, which with possible dog aggression it wouldn’t be a good idea. I would switch to a 4’-6’ lead that isn’t a retractable because they’re not safe. I’ve had incidents like...
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    How much should I walk my dog really?

    @tim1960 Tbh if you can afford it I would hire a dog walker until you’re able to walk her like normal. Cattle dogs have a ton of energy and need exercise, if you have a friend with a big fenced in yard you could always take her there to just run which she would probably love.
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    New aggressive behaviour

    @by_grace28 I know how stressful it can be I work at a daycare and if you want to ask in a way that sounds like you’re not having a major issue just say something along the lines of “Hey I’ve noticed that X is becoming protective of me has he shown any signs of it at daycare? I’m wanting to work...
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    New aggressive behaviour

    @by_grace28 Ignore the other comment or a shock collar could actually make it worse I would work with a trainer who does positive reinforcement and also see if anything medically is going on unfortunately I have seen a dog’s such as yours where aggression issues can arise from health issues. I...