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  1. M

    My dog is becoming overly needy and nasty with me

    @guitarrandy Thanks for your replies! Some friends things I’ve over spoiled him previously, so this is just a big adjustment for us both. I think it’ll get better with time, especially since he’s getting the same amount of exercise time and attention. Just feels like we went back to square 1 on...
  2. M

    My dog is becoming overly needy and nasty with me

    @guitarrandy I would agree showing insolence. To be honest, I have been giving in more since the move, which probably isn’t the best thing. For example, I was sitting on my back deck yesterday while he was down in the yard. He was staring and aggressively barking at me for a couple minutes…...
  3. M

    My dog is becoming overly needy and nasty with me

    @christiano1988 Thanks for the reply! That’s a good call, I think it could be a comfort thing being outdoors. Guess I didn’t really look at it that way…I plan on just being patient and trying to re-train in certain areas and show extra love. I appreciate it! :)
  4. M

    My dog is becoming overly needy and nasty with me

    Hi all, looking for some advice. I have a 1.5 year old Lab Mix (he’s 100lbs) and I love him to death. I have had him since he was a puppy and he’s always been a high strung, high energy dog. I am a single dog dad, and have an active lifestyle and live in Colorado. Just recently, we moved out of...