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  1. M

    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @satanworshiper666 Hmm. I was just theorizing since your other dog isn't having the same issue and my dog's allergies caused hers to do that. I also missed your comment that said they just soaked them in water. I was thinking they used something in the water, but if not, I'm rethinking my...
  2. M

    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @satanworshiper666 That's why I said contact dermatitis. Meaning could he be having an allergic reaction to a product they used?
  3. M

    Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

    @satanworshiper666 So this happened to my dog who's never been to the groomer. Turns out it's allergies. She had other, more obvious, symptoms of allergies, too, though and all symptoms have cleared up since she's been on OTC allergy meds. I'm guessing yours doesn't have anything else going on...