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  1. D

    Potty Training 8 week old puppy. Is it possible?

    @savvy41716 Thanks so much! It’s reassuring to know what we’re doing is the right thing. I’ve been praising and giving treats every time. Today he’s peed in the house a few times. It’s frustrating since we’ll do so well in the morning and then this evening it’s like we take ten steps back...
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    Potty Training 8 week old puppy. Is it possible?

    @savvy41716 We do plan to let him out at night once he can control his bladder. This is our first young puppy mine or my fiancé have ever trained. I don’t want him to feel neglected or anything. So your suggestion would be to keep him in a bigger area during the day as well?
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    Potty Training 8 week old puppy. Is it possible?

    @kris8585 Thanks! We have been positively encouraging so hopefully that helps him understand he needs to go outside. So, is it the same for crate training? Right now he’s in the crate while we’re at work and then at night since he can’t be trusted. He’s crying and whining a lot. We have put a...
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    Potty Training 8 week old puppy. Is it possible?

    We adopted an eight week old puppy on Wednesday and immediately started working on potty training. So far he hasn’t pooped in the house, but he pees A LOT. We take him outside ever 20-30 minutes, but sometimes we don’t catch it in time. He also doesn’t like to go outside. He looks scared and I...