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  1. D

    Can I train my dog to use bells if I can’t hear them sometimes?

    @pravda That won’t be an issue! We can’t leave either of the dogs outside so any time their outside then we’re outside and let them know when to come in
  2. D

    Can I train my dog to use bells if I can’t hear them sometimes?

    Hello everyone! I’d like to start teaching my almost 6 y/o dog to use bells for when he’d like to go potty. He currently will whine and kinda stand by the door but with changing my medications recently I fear I’ll sleep through those signals. He also only does it if it’s a RIGHT NOW kinda thing...
  3. D

    How to exercise high energy dog without being able to play outside?

    I have a really high energy lab who is pretty destructive and just insane without being able to get his energy out outside. Right now the weather is super cold (-40s F) and so we only have the ability to take him potty before he has to come in. We do lots of puzzles and mental games to some...