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  1. K

    Need help with diet dog food recommendation for 9 y/o yellow lab

    Hey everyone, I have a yellow lab that is 8 years old named Houston. He is my best friend, but he has a issue with food and I have a mother and family that loves to give it to him. Unfortunately my big yellow fluff is over weight, has seen 5 different vets about a interdigital cyst between his...
  2. K

    7 M/O Bernese Aggression Twords Yellow Lab

    Hi guys and gals. I am in need of some help here. I have 4 dogs, a 8 y/o yellow lab, 7 m/o Bernese puppy, 13 y/o chihuahua poodle mix, and a 3 y/o husky poodle mix. My new Bernese just bit my lab after I had called him from the other room and drew blood. Two small gashes on his ear and a...