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    My GSD is good, then he is not

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I appreciate your input and will definitely try to get him out with my purposeful walks. :) As for your gentle assumption comment, I do agree with you. I shouldn’t assume people have it easier if they’ve had their dog since they were a puppy. I was more so referring to how...
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    My GSD is good, then he is not

    @citfield Thank you for this :)
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    My GSD is good, then he is not

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Good question. TLDR; he does not get much off leash time die to his reactivity. We have toys and puzzle toys at home that he enjoys but when he is outside, given the situation we keep him close on a leash. It can be difficult to provide him this more often given his...
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    My GSD is good, then he is not

    @mjr88 You know what I’m going to give this a try. I really appreciate your suggestion. He loves to sniff around, I think it could actually be his favourite part about his walks- aside from hanging out with my husband and I :) Thank you x 10.
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    My GSD is good, then he is not

    @poptart717 I really appreciate your caring, thorough and detailed response. I’m going to definitely look into your recommendations. My dog is important to me, and I care about his triggers, stress and how he experiences life so your recommendations are again, valued. Thank you.
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    My GSD is good, then he is not

    TLDR: I have had a 3 year old German Shepard for 6 months, he was raised on a large - middle of nowhere- property, he was not reactive with other dogs until he was ambushed 3 times by a few dogs in a non off leash area. He is also reactive with squirrels. He has days where he is great on walks...