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    Reasons why I’m the asshole in my adolescent dog’s eyes today

    @imagebeastmarkbeast she has the bitch face and bad attitude mastered at only 5mos. i am doomed 🫠
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    Methods on showing your dog you’re standing up for them

    @donica yo that’s such an awesome breakthrough, congrats!!! this sub is helpful for me bc i remember being there (all the struggle posts/people at the beginning of their reactivity journey) and then look at my furson and it’s like night and day
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    Methods on showing your dog you’re standing up for them

    @donica i’ve never seen anyone else do such a great job of explaining my personal approach to training/redirecting and when/how/why to reward my dog. i think we have identical methods of management, wild but surprisingly and pleasantly affirming. sounds like things are going well with your pup...
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    Reasons why I’m the asshole in my adolescent dog’s eyes today

    @imagebeastmarkbeast tilly has the same problem, she’s so tiny everyone is shocked whenever she finds her voice. lucky for me she’s only really comfy vocalizing at home 🙃
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    Reasons why I’m the asshole in my adolescent dog’s eyes today

    @itamgshred she has a lot of big feelings and does a lot of big awoos, good thing she’s so flipping cute. my last pomsky was much quieter
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    To my 70lb reactive boy: I love all the ways your sweet soul shines through, even though you act like a jerkface sometimes

    @faithnlove this comment omg 🥹 you absolutely radiate positivity!! i just applied for a position as a dog trainer and i am going to take this energy with me into the interview process, provided i make it that far, fingers crossed!, and the confidence it has imbued me with for long after. your...
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    Reasons why I’m the asshole in my adolescent dog’s eyes today

    @hisbody i would give anything to have a puppy cry or fuss in annoyance, my husky mix just screams at me 🫠 i don’t feed her quickly enough? banshee screams. i don’t take her for a walk first thing after waking? incessant barking two inches from my face. her brother won’t play with her? screams...
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    To my 70lb reactive boy: I love all the ways your sweet soul shines through, even though you act like a jerkface sometimes

    @faithnlove yes, so much of this! i got him when i moved to a new city, was striking out as an adult in the world for the first time. i wanted him to be a way for me to make new friends and connections, a friendly dog who went up to strangers and unfamiliar dogs. instead he taught me about...
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    To my 70lb reactive boy: I love all the ways your sweet soul shines through, even though you act like a jerkface sometimes

    @faithnlove i just wanted to say thank you for this post, it has brought me to tears and i gave my reactive angel a cuddle (he hated it) and a bunch of treats (he loved them) in response. they’re good dogs. maybe the best. thanks for the reminder 💞
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    Need some emotional support. It’s the morning after behavioral euthanizing my sweet Athena

    @fightingbull542 it gets easier. never better, but easier. i’m so sorry for your loss. i like to believe every affliction dogs suffered in life is alleviated when they leave this earth
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    Need some emotional support. It’s the morning after behavioral euthanizing my sweet Athena

    @fightingbull542 you didn’t fail your girl, you loved her and did everything you could for her the entire time you had her, and when the world was still too overwhelming for her, you gave her peace. may you meet again
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @catherinenosleep you’re a good pet parent! i’m sorry this trainer rattled your confidence but you’ve got this :) also that training sesh sounds like a fun idea!! i might try to incorporate something similar, im trying to get my dog excited about playing fetch or catch outside (herding dogs 🙄)
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    Trainer wants to use prong/e-collar on my dog

    @catherinenosleep i just want to chime in and reassure you that it sounds like you are absolutely doing right by your dog. you are not “rewarding aggression” by using positive reinforcement techniques to train your dog. you are not “bribing” your dog by using treats as a training tool and aid...
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    My reactive girl died yesterday

    @cynthiak i’m so sorry for your loss. may you meet again 💞
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    Please help… our 5 month old puppy hates being in his kennel when we are out of sight. We are at our wits’ end

    @curiouschristian82 his crate sounds like it’s too big, and also possibly too stimulating. you can put up a barrier to make it smaller, while he’s getting used to being crated it should be just big enough for him to turn around and lie down. he shouldn’t be able to pace or play or anything else...
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    Share with me what you LOVE about your reactive dog

    @jacob86 nobody has time for me to write a love letter to my reactive dog, so i’ll leave y’all with a wisdom someone else in here shared ages ago: “sometimes you don’t get the dog you want, you get the dog you need” my reactive dog is 100% that for me, and i wouldn’t trade him for the world
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    How do you know when/if it is time for BE?

    @mellowesile you are a wonderful, dedicated, caring pet parent. you have not and are not failing your dog. best of luck as you continue on your reactivity journey, and know this is also a place to find validation and support should you ever need to consider BE.
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    How do you know when/if it is time for BE?

    @mellowesile only you can decide what’s best, but to offer a post-bite perspective, my dog (level 4 bite history, only one of whom was me), has improved greatly over the years. he was brand new to me when that bite incident happened. it sounds like you are already very experienced with...
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    My dog is Godzilla when he sees another while on-leash, but he’s fine (if somewhat over enthusiastic) off-leash

    @sealedinchrist “thankfully, passers-by often offer super helpful suggestions” about took me out so first of all thanks for the giggle secondly, when working with your trainer, were you working on dog aggression or leash/greeting frustration specifically? depending on the dog i think sometimes...
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    It’s me, the perfectly behaved dog at the bar patio

    @mauricio512 my dog going into a store with me and doing his little service dog tasks: a perfect angel, wouldn’t bark if you bit him on the ass, has never been mean a day in his life my dog on a little walkie in the neighborhood: no one can look at me or i will make them regret the day they...