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  1. N

    To good to be true? RANT/HAPPY ENDING

    @chaz1268 I heard that before but at my first job (They were shady as fuck yo) said everyone does it and that's it legal since it was just like a Salon where you rent spaces to do the work. Also this one gives out W-2's so I figured it would be like regular employment, thank you for the...
  2. N

    To good to be true? RANT/HAPPY ENDING

    @brainnetenthusiast No, because you're usually considered an "Independt contractor" so I guess your fuck-ups are your fuck-ups and you have to pay. Been to a few places like that; so I figured it was pretty common.
  3. N

    To good to be true? RANT/HAPPY ENDING

    So recently I got fired from my other shop (Clients kept getting mad I had to cut their matted dogs to a 10); and also the owners loved to call me slow, not slow as in slow working slow as in mentally. Yeah, buddy glass ain't that thick when there are open doors. Also, they were fucking me on...