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  1. F

    New and Seeking Advice

    @bushido8000 Love that! I’ve found that my pup is picking up on terms (finally!) that get him going. “Treat” “you hungry?” “Lunch” “dinner” “walk” are the ones that get him amped up and paying attention. I use them to get his attention sometimes, even if I’m not ready in the moment, and I get...
  2. F

    New and Seeking Advice

    @bushido8000 4th comment lol sorry, but I will try treat scattering. It’s the only thing you’ve mentioned I haven’t actively been working on, so I appreciate it. I really appreciate you taking the time to spell this all out to me.
  3. F

    New and Seeking Advice

    @bushido8000 Lastly, his other dog threshold is literally within eyesight. I’ve had dogs way across the park that are 8lbs and tiny specks and he is lunging to go say hi. I have no idea what to do. He sees them and it’s over.
  4. F

    New and Seeking Advice

    @bushido8000 Too add, I feel like things he knows so well, with distractions, such as sit, still does nothing. I started making him sit and stay as other dogs pass and even that he breaks while he does so well with crazy distractions in our home. I almost need another dog in our home to work on...
  5. F

    New and Seeking Advice

    @bushido8000 You know, I’ve seen and read a lot about this and thought “he understands thresholds and knows loose leash (until he doesn’t care anymore)”, and thought we were past that. I’m going to try some front yard training sessions with him. I bet just the distraction of continuing our...
  6. F

    New and Seeking Advice

    Hello everyone. I posted the other day in the Puppy101 subreddit about my reactive dog, and was directed here. I have a lot to read, but was hoping someone could help me out with the basics. Here’s my situation: My dog is a ham. He loves other people and dogs so much that I don’t think there’s...