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  1. 2

    I Think i adopted a Abused or24/7 caged Dog, Advice in helping her Socalize?

    a Update on the Poor thing,. she more or less passed the \Three Day** Mark, but just as we had decided to attempt to go with Homecooked dogfood as shes been since day one refusing Kibble/wet food, the roomate's Father who which is sadly in context, our Landlord had Completly 180'd on us and told...
  2. 2

    I Think i adopted a Abused or24/7 caged Dog, Advice in helping her Socalize?

    i adopted a verry sweet 4 Year old Siberian Husky earlier today she was... to say the least verry timid in the car ride to Petsmart & Home almost as if she was \Scared** to be in the car. she was open to being petted by strangers while we had her with us at Petsmart, and showed some signs of...