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  1. A

    I don't know if I'm doing the right thing by putting my 5 y/o german shepherd down tomorrow

    @tenayshus If you prolong her death, what will it bring you? What will it bring her? More time for laying in the grass, perhaps. A walk or two. The things you two have treasured together. Time, really. But, it could also bring her a lot of pain that you won't have time to make better. And you...
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    I Think i adopted a Abused or24/7 caged Dog, Advice in helping her Socalize?

    @2012user Look up the 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months timeline for adopting adult dogs. It will help you guide your training. Give her a safe space and leave her be for 3 days, doing absolutely nothing exciting. Be as boring and as normal as possible. Take her out to use the restroom, feed her...