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  1. E

    My little rescue Yorkie has been peeing inside frequently after being spayed while in heat. Groomer today said it smells like ammonia. Is this normal?

    @wandafaith It could be a couple of factors, it very much could be as simple as a UTI but some dogs do experience issues with urinary incontinence post spay, but I can be well managed with medication. Your vet will have a few options to manage it. The smell and frequency make me think UTI but I...
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    Needing help/opinions *Labrador back/hip issues*

    @hectorp212 MRI or Neurology. Hydrotherapy and massage can be used as pain relief/ low impact exercise as long the vet approves.
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    Need enrichment ideas for very smart, active pup in e-collar with limited activity for 3 weeks

    @mumof4grls Can you get him into a canine massage? It often helps with the boredom of crate rest
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    Fly Snapping

    @james857 I have only seen it in two dogs, both chocolate labs, both had neurological issues, but it never caused them pain.