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  1. J

    Cat Scratch Leads to Full Body Dog Infection

    @manasseh_ Thank you for this! I will pass it on to my brother. In fact, that article lead me to a related article from CDC that if cat could cause such a quick rash spread in dog, cat might be carrying infection itself that has no external symptoms but can cause damage internally. This cat...
  2. J

    Cat Scratch Leads to Full Body Dog Infection

    @manasseh_ Thank you for the input! It’s not my cat and I have no doubt cat claws carry bacteria. But in your experience, could such a scratch cause an all over rash that spread all over nose and underbelly, down to groin in less than 48 hrs? Seems unusually fast to me. I wish I could post...
  3. J

    Cat Scratch Leads to Full Body Dog Infection

    @stewlincoln My brother is going to pay the $150 to keep the peace, for sure. I appreciate the outside feedback. I suppose I’m just struggling with the scenario because our sis in law has concerning history of overmedicating her animals, purporting mystery diseases, outlandish number of vet...
  4. J

    Cat Scratch Leads to Full Body Dog Infection

    @stewlincoln Thank you for the input! I have no doubt cat claws carry bacteria. But in your experience, could such a scratch cause an all over rash that spread all over nose and underbelly, down to groin in less than 48 hrs? Seems unusually fast to me. I wish I could post pictures here.
  5. J

    Cat Scratch Leads to Full Body Dog Infection

    @notw530 Thanks again for the input. Everyone seems in agreement the quick spread is possible. The dog is getting treatment. The situation is just unfortunate for family harmony. It may mean my brothers won’t be visiting one another for quite a while. But all this feedback may help mediate.
  6. J

    Cat Scratch Leads to Full Body Dog Infection

    @notw530 Thank you for the input! I have no doubt cat claws carry bacteria. But in your experience, could such a scratch cause an all over rash that spread all over nose and underbelly, down to groin in less than 48 hrs? Seems unusually fast to me. I wish I could post pictures here.
  7. J

    Cat Scratch Leads to Full Body Dog Infection

    Please help. Educated or experienced dog and cat owners - need some interpretation. My brother brought his unicorn cat to visit with our other brother and sister n law who have a dog. Dog unknowingly stepped over cat, startling the cat. Cat swiped dog’s nose in response/defense. No one...