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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @ncmnt2 Wouldn’t be surprised!! He really ruined it for a lot of ppl I feel awful for those who believe him & try to do what he does! Thanks for your comment and letting me rant
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @jrb0488 ❤️❤️❤️ omg thank you!!! Yessssss!! Exactly!!! I think my dog is fantastic!! He’s the best dog I’ve ever had and yea he’s reactive but we’ve learned to work around that. I just can’t stand aggressive ppl who say things like “you NEED to do this or that” and especially their tone like I’m...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @txlove LMAO trust me deep down I want to be so rude and be like oh I’m sorry you’re stupid enough to believe that sht, please fck off and stop talking down to me about me and my dog! P.s. really cool work you do!! Do tell me more!!
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @xrustyx THIS!!!! Yessssss!!! Thank you!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I honestly feel like my dog looks to me as a leader bc he knows he’s completely dependent on me. He’s got great recall (when he’s not triggered), he walks next to me or follows me everywhere but will want me to go ahead of him to lead the way...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @tonyluc2021 Wowwww “use your alpha voice” lmao!! Some people, right?? That’s what these acquaintances were saying to me!! I need to having a booming dominance over my dog so he knows I’m boss. Why the hell would I want to scare my dog when he trusts me so much?? Thanks for your comment and...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @laguna_greg I find there’s no point in trying to educate or enlighten these people bc they’re arrogant, aggressive, and hell bent on being right. I laugh inside bc it’s like right, so you think you going off on me about how I’m a bad dog owner is going to want to have me join you in whatever it...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @johnykirty Yes!! I tried being nice at first and I saw the trend of certain people wanted to argue even more w me so now I’m just like uh huh, yea have a good time I’d rather be w my dog. lol you’re a much better person than I am! I don’t think I could say “I appreciate you want to help” bc...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @boanerges1989 Aaahhhh Dobies!!!! I fostered one for like 5mo and fell in love with them!! If I wasn’t a die hard Dane fan, Dobies would be my next! Thanks for the support and comment and especially letting me vent this all out! I appreciate your words!
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @lovecraftfan OMG THANK FREAKING YOU!!! Exactly!!! I personally believe the dominance training is sooo outdated and breaks trust w my dog! I got into an really loud argument w my dog nearby and he seemed so scared of me even though I wasn’t facing him or towering over him! I felt soooo awful he...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @suzann Omg, I met this guy who kept bragging how he knows a lot of everything. It was the most painful 30min! LOL we were all having lunch and my friend tried to set me up w this guy, I spent the whole time eating and just saying oh? Wow. I see. Hmm.. lol TOTALLY agree it’d be so peaceful if...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @santino Awww thank you so much for that!! ❤️❤️❤️ I’d like to think I’m a responsible dog owner. My pup is my world and we have a great relationship! I don’t get why/how ppl watch Cesar Milan then believe THEY’RE pros! Like ok so they THINK he’s doing what’s necessary but no one sees the edits...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @lundberry 🤣🤣🤣🤣 wait wait now now, hold on, Pauly D IS a love expert! Let’s not get crazy LOL JK JK!!! Yea I don’t get how people don’t realize reality tv is scripted and all fake! It seriously baffles me! Lol I’m still laughing that you brought up Pauly D!! 😂😂 my god thank you for this and for...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @tiernon LMAO!! You’re awesome!! Love this!! Thank you so much for leaving a comment and putting a smile on my face!
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @mssonya84 Omg AlokFluff, thank you sooooo freaking much for your supportive words!!! Thank you thank you! Yea I don’t deal well with really aggressive know it all people but rather than engaging I just like to distance myself. And I totally wanted to have these ppl handle my dog on a walk just...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @littleowlet Awwww!! I’m so sorry you had to witness that! That poor pup!! I remember someone told me to slam my dog down on its back and hold him down with my hand around his neck so he knows I’m boss. Ok first, my dog is like an inch or 2 taller than me when he stands up on two feet so...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @whiteknightnews Awww that’s great that you learned from that and experience for yourself that it’s not the answer/solution! Sounds like you had a great relationship with Lady in the end and you have a great one with your pups now! You’re totally right, in my opinion I think teamwork and a...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @littleowlet This is really cool to read. Thanks for sharing your story! Honestly I’ve always had reactive dogs my whole life but they’ve been small dogs (of course chihuahuas- well one chihuahua and one chihuahua mix) so I was stupid when I was younger too where I’d just pick them up and be...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @mssonya84 It sucks that there’s people out there who truly believe they can only keep their dogs in line by beating them or scaring the crap out of them!
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @bluesneakers 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 PREACH!! I’ve definitely noticed the ones who are very aggressive in personality are umm mannnn they have some serious ego and control issues! Both men and women and I swear sometimes for me, the women are harsher like they’re trying to prove themselves as tough or...
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    [Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

    @newbie2016 😨!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ The trainer I hired did the same thing and it ruined my dog. She kept trying to force him to greet a full grown Dane (mine is a runt) in a super stressful environment! I was like ok I know I’m no professional but this can’t be right!! I stepped in bc it was...