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  1. S

    Pretty sure my dog doesn’t like me

    @a2ai Exactly! It’s like making your kids wait while you eat dinner so they’ll respect you more. I always thought being a good owner was to make sure all the pet’s needs were being met in a timely fashion—not in some weird archaic order.
  2. S

    Pretty sure my dog doesn’t like me

    @igbokwe Oh wow! I would find another vet if I were you. Growling is fine--it's the dog's way of telling you that he's uncomfortable and nervous since he can't speak human. Respect the growl, never take anything away from him (if you can help it) without trading up. Practice drop and leave...
  3. S

    B.E. for Human Aggression

    @jay733 What a beautiful and loving tribute to your baby. Think of him always in the rising moonlight, romping in the woods through clouds of fireflies. He’ll never have to feel afraid again. He’s at peace now and may the good memories of him ease your grief.