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  1. S

    Who gets the puppy and the money from the litter

    @enpointe19 I am not a lawyer; however, if you want to breed this dog in the future, you may need to hire a lawyer. The situation you find yourself in is pretty complex with her owning all registration rights and you having possession of the dog. And the rules vary from state to state. If the...
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    Who gets the puppy and the money from the litter

    @enpointe19 So what it sounds like you have going on is a issue where she registered the dog in her name, but you both signed the paperwork from the breeder? When you split with your partner, did you all go to court to divide your assets and determine who actually owns the dog? Dogs for the most...
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    First steps when approaching dog breeding

    @luli08 Before you get your puppy, I would highly recommend reaching out to your local all breed club/conformation club and seeing what it’s about. Check here to find clubs near you. My club has monthly meetings, and we do confirmation classes to learn dog handler skills. Even if none of the...
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    Docking Puppy Tails?

    @lumiere If you’re going to dock tails, you need to check with the laws where you live. Some locations have outlawed it, so it’s best to check first. Even if you are legally allowed to, there are people who get very worked up over seeing a docked-tail, cropped ears, or dewclaws removed...
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    How likely that a reputable breeder missidendifies the breed? Like 0%?

    @carlawalker The thing that’s flooring me is the not knowing what puppy they sold, and giving the totally wrong gender to the original puppy buyer. It’s a huge question as to how that even happens. In all likelihood, you have fake “papers”. There is no breed called a cockerpoo. It’s a hybrid...
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    Ethical Breeding

    @mrjobosco Breeding to the breed standard, producing healthy puppies that better the breed while not being detrimental to the dam. Ethical breeding is caring about what happens to the puppies you produce as well for their whole life. Ethical breeding is purposefully done. I have no idea what...
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    Need honest answers on getting this ball (maybe) rolling…

    @james1131 Because it will give you a chance to build the “eye” for what pairs well together. When you haven’t had any litters, you would be basically solely relying upon the knowledge of your breeder for that—which depending upon the breeder’s ability to explain “the eye” and how a particular...
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    Need honest answers on getting this ball (maybe) rolling…

    @james1131 I would suggest doing the co-owning route with a good breeder. Find your closest all-breed kennel club and network with the handlers and breeders there. Start attending meetings even before you get your prospective dog. Talk with the breeders for goldens and find someone who you...
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    Mono amniotic Twins

    @mark0086 I will definitely! Thanks
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    Mono amniotic Twins

    @mark0086 My normal vet is also a breeder—but not a repo specialist. The closest reproductive vet is a few hours away.
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    Mono amniotic Twins

    One of my girls (3 years old pug) free whelped a large litter for her breed yesterday. The first 2 were in the same sack and came out together. I have heard of this happening before through other people, but I have never experienced it. Both are male and they are each about 40 grams smaller than...
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    Puppy born 9 days after the rest of the litter

    @holywave21 I’ve had a litter where I thought mom was done, and hours later, she started back up and pushed out her last baby. Ultrasounds just seem to confirm a pregnancy, and X-ray can give you a guess at what number—but they don’t always show the accurate number of pups. 9 Hours would be...
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    Puppies died during birth

    @blueskies94 Sorry for the loss of your pups. I have a specific timeline I follow during the whelp. I account for the time it takes to travel to my vet (or the emergency vet) when my girls free-whelp. If she’s been pushing actively for 1.5 hours without producing a pup, I start loading up for...
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    New breeder with questions!! (plus puppy pics)

    @renee90 Mom may need supplemental calcium with 10 pups. But that is something more for a vet to check to see first. You can look for something called Doc Roy’s healthy bones for extra calcium. I would also recommend getting bloodwork on momma dog to see if she’s running low on calcium or other...