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  1. T

    Giving my dog a bath every two weeks? V stinky

    @fenhn In my opinion every 2-3 weeks is a lot. Obviously, if the dog is very dirty, it’s a different thing but also a lot of dirt can be brushed out. If you do bathe her that often she can get prone to skin infection and dry skin (dandruff) and her fur can even get very dull and the quality can...
  2. T

    New Year's Eve Party- should I let my puppy out?

    @druzemar 100% keep him away please. You have only had this little baby for 3 days and throwing him in a party with many other people (booze?) can be very scary for your little one. If you feel confident, you can bring him out for like 10-15 mins supervised time but don’t let him run around...