Search results

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    Looking for Good Long Board & Train Recs in the U.S

    @emma456 Cool.. as part of the board and train they will do follow up’s to help you keep up the progress
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    Looking for Good Long Board & Train Recs in the U.S

    @emma456 Check out KoruK9.Com I’ve worked with some of their trainers in the Seattle area, and think highly of them. They do board and trains, and dog boarding as well.
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @gineke My experience was similar.. although I’ve never worked at a training facility… Now that I have a good understanding of these tools, I find it hard to understand how so many r+ trainers can claim just putting a prong collar on your dog will ruin your relationship and cause so much...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @gineke Would be interested in hearing why you chose to switch.. I’m not a professional, but I switch a number of years ago when r+ methods / trainers couldn’t help me with lab-mix.. and we hired a “balanced” trainer out of desperation. He quickly dispelled all the bs we had heard, and we...
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    My Dog Is Really Bad w/ Boyfriends 7yo Son. HELP!

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Just more dishonest disinformation. We can see in r/reactivedogs that dogs trained with force free methods and visiting vet behaviorists can attack their owners without apparent warning. Yes, in some cases dogs may bite without warning, but claiming it’s caused by any use...
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    My Dog Is Really Bad w/ Boyfriends 7yo Son. HELP!

    @grace92 Yep, I suspect this is one example of Force Free trolls here…. The FF crowd will downvote, but never engage in an honest debate because they know they simply will look like fools who can not defend their position in a logical, consistent manner.
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    My Dog Is Really Bad w/ Boyfriends 7yo Son. HELP!

    @grace92 This is prob the best vid on YouTube on how to do this. Note that it’s almost all reward based, but in the end of the vid he talks about how to deal with the unwanted reactions. This process worked for me and my “formerly reactive” Aussie.
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    Warning grumble or “talking” grumble?

    @eve_marie HA!!! So true. /reactivedogs has some wired death cult / Behavioral Euthanasia for All Problems thing going on……
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    My Dog Is Really Bad w/ Boyfriends 7yo Son. HELP!

    @grace92 I honestly believe that when a dog “bites without warning” the vast majority of the time it is because the owners completely missed the dogs body language and warning signs. Now, if the FF crowd claimed that punishment only training, such as only using an ecollar on maximum levels to...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @ramfel Lots of research there, I’d just encourage you to read it as research, many people read these papers the way people used to read newspaper articles. Newspaper method - Read headline, read first paragraph, scan next one to two paragraphs, them move on.. Researcher method - read the...
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    My Dog Is Really Bad w/ Boyfriends 7yo Son. HELP!

    @grace92 Something that is well understood and studied in behavioral science, but oddly never really talked about in the context of dog training, is that to EXTINGUISH a behavior, a strong aversive stimulus is needed, such as a strong electric shock to teach a mouse not to go to one part of its...
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    My Dog Is Really Bad w/ Boyfriends 7yo Son. HELP!

    @katlyngiberson Having someone toss treats to the dog can create problems, so be careful. What can happen is that the dog’s food drive will encourage them to approach the person, but then realize “oh shit - I don’t like this person”, and then they react. I almost got my father in law but this...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @ramfel Many are found in position statement on "humane dog training" from AVSAB (an organization that makes money off of dogs with behavior problems). They are listed at the end of the position statement. You can find many with just a google search, others take more work and a few are behind...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @mew Yep..We’re on the same page for sure. I’m convinced they are counting on people either just saying “I follow The Science” without ever actually reading any of it. It appears many people are convinced just by thinking there is “Science” behind what they are being told.
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @mew 100% agree, and you can undermine this with their own “Science”. The very first “Science” listed in the AVSAB position statement talks about why these surveys are unreliable…. This first paper is a treasure trove of accidentally saying the truth..when your 1) the paper directly states...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @ramfel I took the time to read many of the “Science” papers they quote and link to… One actually said that euthanasia is not aversive because the dog doesn’t feel any discomfort…. That made the throw up in my mouth just a little bit…. Gotta twist into some interesting mental contortions to...
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @gineke I’m with you.. I like Tom Davis’s take…. He has described himself as an “Unlimited Trainer” because he does not artificially limit himself on the methods he can use to help people and their dogs. So then the term “Limited Trainers” would apply to the Lima / r+ crowd as they are...
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    Why I chose to use an e collar and my experience / results

    @joannsak Yep.., mini - educator is what I use!
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t like using the term balanced trainer?

    @17xande Dog daddy is just the other side of the Zak George coin…..YouTuber who makes dog based content for $. (To be 100% clear I agree with you)
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    Why I chose to use an e collar and my experience / results

    @jasdksdc Yep…. They will down vote, but can not offer any solution and don’t comment, because they don’t have options for this, and they just hate your success because of their ideology. They hide behind the downvotes, because they have nothing constructive to offer. Pretty sad really…...