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  1. D

    Chronic diarrhea suggestions

    Update: Guess I’ll post this for anyone curious or if others are having same issue and stumble upon this thread. We are now 14 days diarrhea free (7 off metro, the lucky number). I’m going to assume Moose had Giardia. He’s responding fine to his chicken food so can rule out allergy, and he’s...
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    Chronic diarrhea suggestions

    @dialogues The feeling is that is what is going on with my boy. He’s a day off flagyl for the third time still pooping solid. Both of the other times 6-7 days later diarrhea returns so we have added Tylan for about a month to hopefully kill it off. It’s crazy how persistent the bug is.
  3. D

    Chronic diarrhea suggestions

    @irishcanadian402 Doing pumpkin and Psyllium starting today going forward. We’re currently running antibiotics for a longer duration to eliminate parasites from the question. That doesn’t work onto food elimination. I may also get him tested for EPI for the peace of mind. Although my vet said he...
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    Chronic diarrhea suggestions

    @fl269fl269 We already did send out a sample. It came back negative, but the issues I’m having she had a year back with her own dog. She spent over 500 dollars to do another test sending out a sample to Texas A&M after having a negative test locally her A&M test came back positive. The stool...
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    Chronic diarrhea suggestions

    @sozoeso Thank you for the response, he does do a little licking around his genital area, bit of face scratching but luckily no ear infections or paw licking. Once we eliminate the Giardia possibility I’ll mention moving off chicken which I’m hopeful is the issue 🙏🏻. Mine is a pretty small boy...
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    Chronic diarrhea suggestions

    @sozoeso Out of curiosity, was there any other symptoms included with just the diarrhea? I notice now my dog does scratch his face a bit, but I don’t see any weird skin irritation and frankly all of this has caused a lot of anxiety so I hyper fixate on everything that could be normal behavior...
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    Chronic diarrhea suggestions

    @ateam7 Have you had any luck with any sort of supplements to stop the diarrhea that isn’t an antibiotic? My vet feels that if it isn’t a parasite she thinks food is moving too quickly through the GI hence why we are incorporating pumpkin and a daily psyllium husk. She also recommended this...
  8. D

    Chronic diarrhea suggestions

    Recently in the last month my GSD has had 3 very aggressive bouts of water diarrhea. Acting completely normal otherwise. Flagyl (Metrodyzanale) clears up his symptoms very quickly but only lasts for 7 days post running antibiotics. Today it came back and we are back on flagyl and Tynal because...