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    New Year's Eve Party- should I let my puppy out?

    @jcoliver75 Most of the kids are 14+ yrs old, so I'm not super concerned about them. But my uncle in law does not discipline his kid (5m) at all. Last time he was here he tried to shove his hands into my wax melter, and tried to hurt his cousin by turning on the treadmill to max. He's done worse...
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    New Year's Eve Party- should I let my puppy out?

    @mufudzi Oh my goodness that's horrible and so rude!! I forgot how disrespectful people can be sometimes. Especially because you never know if someone's pet has allergies. He's still getting used to the crate but my partner is amazing at soothing our pup. It hasn't been long but I'm sure he'll...
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    New Year's Eve Party- should I let my puppy out?

    @mufudzi Thank you for pointing out the food thing! I'd hate to see my poor baby get sick. He did meet a few family members already and did super well but there's going to be about 15 people over which is just way too much for two puppies in my opinion. The car ride home he settled super...
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    New Year's Eve Party- should I let my puppy out?

    @james1971 I absolutely agree 😭. I've already got hawk-eyes on him as is.
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    New Year's Eve Party- should I let my puppy out?

    @avelina777 Thank you so much for your honesty 🙏 If I had it my way, I wouldn't bring anyone over this year, but of course it's not my house in whole. Him having his brother has definitely helped in the both of them adjusting but you're absolutely right. It doesn't feel like its time yet at all...
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    New Year's Eve Party- should I let my puppy out?

    @thehundreds Thank you so much for your thoughts, I'm glad I'm not just crazy and overthinking it. I haven't had a puppy since I was a kid so this is basically my first time raising one myself. The family will drink when they come over (I won't be participating in that this time) and I'd be...
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    New Year's Eve Party- should I let my puppy out?

    Hey guys. Im on day 3 of having a 9 week old lab puppy. My MiL/FiL, partner and I live together (the house is basically two separate homes with a shared kitchen). They're having their family over for New Years Eve and I'm not sure what to do with our puppy (they also got a puppy for themselves...