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  1. T

    I don't know if I'm doing the right thing by putting my 5 y/o german shepherd down tomorrow

    @arealshirt I'm so sorry about your boy, I can't imagine going through that. I appreciate your advice and honestly found it very insightful. Thank you for helping me see that it's in her best interest to put her down sooner rather than later. I'll move forward with all of that in mind.
  2. T

    I don't know if I'm doing the right thing by putting my 5 y/o german shepherd down tomorrow

    @miekka I'm incredibly sorry that you're having to go through that. I know that cancer is a terrible, unfair, and ugly disease based on what I had to witness with my Dad, and I would not wish that on anyone. You're a strong person, and I admire the fact that you're trying to be there for your...
  3. T

    I don't know if I'm doing the right thing by putting my 5 y/o german shepherd down tomorrow

    This all happened so fast. I figured out she had a cancerous tumor about 2 weeks ago, and now I believe she's in the early stages of dying. Her "stools" are literally just pure blood at this point. She can't eat without vomiting. Even if she doesn't eat, which she hasn't been, she still vomits...