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  1. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @hobster777 We definitely cannot burrito wrap him and shove it down his throat, he would never emotionally recover. He can’t even handle if the vacuum is left in a new corner of the room that he wasn’t expecting or the grass has been mowed so it’s a new texture. No way he could handle that lol
  2. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @tkien We haven’t, good suggestion. We saw our vet today though and they agreed they’d like to take him off the bulk of the pills short term while we do more diagnostics. The one he absolutely has to stay on they found a chewable treat-like version which we are hoping will do the trick. 🤞🏻 If...
  3. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @tkien Right, but my dog was NOT eating at all which I said was the tipping point issue, so this advice wasn’t even remotely applicable to me. Also, I’m really trying not to be frustrated because I know you’re just trying to be helpful: but telling someone who is at their wits end and has tried...
  4. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @httx You didn’t offend me, your comment just was exactly what I said I wasn’t looking for. I clearly stated in the opening we were already working with a behaviorist, our regular vet / internist, and a behavioral trainer. I already know GI and behavior are thought to possibly be connected. I...
  5. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @theblessed_one Touché on the spending. I’ll ask my vet their thoughts tomorrow on alternative tests to the elimination diet given we’ve already had to make concessions on eggs AND peanut butter to get him to take his pills, so the elimination diet may not be helpful anyway.
  6. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @jaymeedawn333 huh, I’m sensitive to pea protein too - I share that quality with your dog 😆luckily I won’t be eating doggy kibble any time soon.
  7. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Yes, I know. That’s why I was trying to politely and tactfully ask if the vet had thoughts on it.
  8. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @theblessed_one Interesting, did your vet have feedback on the allergy test you used? I’ve heard the human versions are somewhat BS, so curious if the vet had thoughts on the dog version. The diet he is on is supposed to be to identify if he’s possibly got a food allergy but it takes ~8 weeks on...
  9. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @heathjeb Good to know. Did you ever try trazadone? You said none worked, but did it just not work or was it an actual negative reaction?
  10. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @jaymeedawn333 Thank you, I really appreciate the kind words. I’m currently mentally (and physically) exhausted. 7 hours at the ER vet last night was my tipping point.
  11. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @heathjeb Trazadone takes him on the WORST trip of his life, so I’m hesitant to do anything that is already known for causing paranoia in some who use it (me! 🙋🏼‍♀️)
  12. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @prophetictimes I’ve wondered if we should try treat pill treat for similar reasons, actually. I think finding the pills is what is causing him to reject the food entirely tbh. Perhaps we will give that a try at some point. Ideally I’d also like to stop the ~6 pills a day and just get him to 1...
  13. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @123lx Luckily he can’t take trazadone so it being bitter isn’t a problem, makes him waaaay more anxious. I had to do the same thing today re: pills in PB, but on top of that I had to lick the PB myself first in front of him to show him it was okay to eat. I joked with my husband earlier today...
  14. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @safestart Thanks, appreciate the kind words.
  15. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @hiskingdomconsul If I created one, would you be interested in helping moderate it and get it started?
  16. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @thedwarf Thank you, I’ll def ask about slippery elm! We kept an eye on the reduced appetite, the not eating is new and started when we changed the diet. Prozac started in June, diet only started 2 weeks ago.
  17. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @lisad65 I am so glad you chimed in here, hearing from someone else who has been through it and is on the other side is so incredibly helpful. The ultrasound last night showed some possible early stage kidney issues, so that’s my primary request to address before we put him under anesthesia for...
  18. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @lisad65 Luckily my vet is honestly 💯 and takes a super holistic approach, so I don’t think I’ll get push back on further testing. They mentioned we could go straight to that if we wanted but recommended trying diet first since if that solves the issue it’s less invasive for him.
  19. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    @lisad65 Thank you, this is SUPER helpful and exactly what I was hoping to hear. I think next step is probably the endoscopy tbh - the diet was intended to avoid that and first see if it was food allergy related, but I just don’t think it’s working for us. Entyce is what we got last night, it...