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  1. L

    Stud fees, am I asking for too much?

    @dukedesu Unfortunately as we are friends and not just two breeders working together to breed, a formal agreement wasn’t made but I will definitely be making them in writing moving forward if I ever stud again. Being friends has it’s benefits but has resulted in this grey area! Thanks for your...
  2. L

    Stud fees, am I asking for too much?

    @dukedesu Hi, my male had a check up not long before we began breeding which covered the breed recommended health testing in the link provided and was very positive, but thank you I will save this info for if in the future I ever decide to stud my dog again. I know I’m getting at least the...
  3. L

    Stud fees, am I asking for too much?

    Hi, this is my first post in this community but I’d just like some opinions on whether the stud fee I am asking for is appropriate given the circumstances. So for some details, I and a friend met whilst walking our dogs a couple of years ago and we both have huskies. I have a male who is...