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  1. K

    Demand barking, send help (again)

    @marknjohson We are in the beginning stages. Thank you!!
  2. K

    Demand barking, send help (again)

    @marknjohson Not a husky, haha. He’s a pittie that was clearly allowed to do whatever he wanted for the first two years of his life (prior to his adoption, he had a different family). I’ve thought about button training, but I want him to work on self-soothing first. Otherwise he’ll just use his...
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    Demand barking, send help (again)

    @jesuswasaballa I was never a huge fan either, until I (unknowingly) got the type of dog that literally will not respond to any other form of training for certain behaviors. I’ve been able to +R train just about everything, but leash manners and vocalization? Nope. I tried for two years and then...
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    Demand barking, send help (again)

    @jesuswasaballa Sorry I never saw this sooner! I’m not on reddit much. We absolutely have siblings haha. To be entirely honest, my only success was in going back to the ecollar (not initially mentioned in my post but in the comments) and conditioning the “quiet” cue. I know it’s not everyone’s...
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    Demand barking, send help (again)

    @prophetictimes Thank you! Finding the time is challenging but I’m willing to do it, 100%. I am quarantining right now so I’m dedicating as much of the next few days as possible to mat work. Like you, I’d also prefer being nose-punched than barking 😂 Once we are done with the Karen...
  6. K

    Demand barking, send help (again)

    Demand barking. I need serious help. I’ve posted about this here before but I’ve hit a wall. My nearly 3 year old rescue has demand barked/grumbled since the day we brought him home, exactly 13 months ago. I thought it would be an easy fix, I was wrong. The majority of the times that he is not...