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  1. P

    Y’all are amazing

    @hikertim You loving her and not giving up on her every day is more than enough. She is so lucky to have you and your huge heart
  2. P

    Y’all are amazing

    @mirror_love 💛
  3. P

    Y’all are amazing

    @sub7 Absolutely 💛
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    Y’all are amazing

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Of course 💛 I wish people would take the time to step out of their world and try to understand
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    Y’all are amazing

    @sisyphe Agreed!!
  6. P

    Y’all are amazing

    @kaye1979 He is so lucky to have someone with such an amazing heart who will never give up on him 💛
  7. P

    Y’all are amazing

    @peterenroute You show up every day for her with unconditional love and compassion, and with that alone, you are not failing her 💛
  8. P

    Y’all are amazing

    @liilas I wholeheartedly believe that you guys have a different, deeper bond than anything someone with a non-reactive dog knows. The level of trust you both need is incredible
  9. P

    Y’all are amazing

    @stephend Absolutely 💛 please try to remember every day how much of an incredible job you are doing. I know it’s easier said than done, especially by someone who has no experience, but you’re doing awesome
  10. P

    Y’all are amazing

    I’ve been a long time lurker here. My pup isn’t reactive, but I’ve wanted to learn more about reactivity and how to work with it for numerous reasons, including just out of curiosity. The biggest thing I’ve taken away is how devoted you all are. I can’t begin to comprehend the stress...