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  1. M

    When did you go back to grooming after birth/c section

    @agent23 If your doctor advises you to do c section then you should listen to your doctor. But if there is something that might be concerning you to make you feel that you might not be able to do it naturally then please bring it to your doctors attention
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    When did you go back to grooming after birth/c section

    @agent23 I’d like to add I’m currently almost 10 weeks post c section. I am still not working, my incision is still very tender, I am bending over but taking it very easy and slow, I was able to go on a short walk 2 days ago and It made my incision flare up and my insides to feel sore, I was...
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    When did you go back to grooming after birth/c section

    @anushagupta I waiting 4 years
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    When did you go back to grooming after birth/c section

    @agent23 You will not just be on bed rest for 8 weeks then jump right back to work, it will take a lot of slow walking and movements because you will be able to move around like normal again, even then you will not be able to react quickly or make crazy movements for a while, I’m still terrified...
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    When did you go back to grooming after birth/c section

    @agent23 I’m 8 weeks post c section and my incision still gives me pain at moments. Nothing like the first 6 weeks. It is a MAJOR abdominal surgery. Every body is different but it is very important not to push yourself and stay down only small movements and walks in the house for at least the...
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    When did you go back to grooming after birth/c section

    @rachel24 Currently doing so lol I’m sorry to hear you still experience pain, I’m not feeling anything internally now that I’m almost 9 weeks out it’s just the 6 inch cut on my stomach that makes things hard ya know… it stinks
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    When did you go back to grooming after birth/c section

    So I’m 8 weeks out, and I put my butt right back on bed rest because I decided I wanted to go back to work and groom small dogs, I did 3 one day and two the next, however a lot of walking and getting up and down from my chair, I almost opened my incision. Anyways all is good but I’m wondering...