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  1. K

    How do I get my 4 month old pup to stop getting aggressive and biting when we don’t let him do something he wants to do?

    @fleetwood95 I’ve put him in a crate, with everything everyone has recommended me to do to make him comfortable and safe and I’d come home after an hour with him in there and he’s still crying, I’ve done everything to do with crate training with him and he goes in on his own, just no luck with...
  2. K

    How do I get my 4 month old pup to stop getting aggressive and biting when we don’t let him do something he wants to do?

    @chipsj15 First, I have no clue how to make this little man sleep for 18-20 hours a DAY, we’ll go on walks and play fetch but that doesn’t seem to do anything for him, he’ll sleep for maybe 2 hours MAX then be rambunctious for another 3-4 hours afterwards and I think I’m giving him the activity...
  3. K

    How do I get my 4 month old pup to stop getting aggressive and biting when we don’t let him do something he wants to do?

    @markrowan Oh he’s getting plenty of exercise! I genuinely feel like he gets PISSED when I restrict him from going somewhere and just lashes out
  4. K

    How do I get my 4 month old pup to stop getting aggressive and biting when we don’t let him do something he wants to do?

    I’m not entirely sure how to go about it, he doesn’t stop getting aggressive for like a solid 20-30 minutes