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  1. B

    Help on removing seeds from a cocker spaniel coat

    @chaz1268 That about sums it up :D Unfortunately no velocity dryer, but we've got the majority of them with the maximum of treats and attention. Thank you
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    Help on removing seeds from a cocker spaniel coat

    @realist1981 Thanks, that was what I used to remove most. Just having to take it slow.
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    Help on removing seeds from a cocker spaniel coat

    @fijiman There was definitely too many for that!
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    Help on removing seeds from a cocker spaniel coat

    My little cocker spaniel ran through a bunch of scrub land today and came out covered in little seeds with two prongs (like these ) I've managed to brush about half of them out but the remaining ones are very difficult. I'm worried that she's starting to find this stressful. Can anyone offer...