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  1. T

    my dog is 'shutting down' when he has the e collar on

    @peter67 This. Also I believe Krohn’s method requires a shock in one stage of training even if the dog immediately responds. I’m not crazy about that... do it a few times too many any you’ll create learned helplessness.
  2. T

    Any advice on how to keep my recently recovered dog to stop fighting my other dog?

    @notcrosskill Once they’ve been walking apart, and you’ve got the muzzle training down, start walking them together with Ath muzzled and wearing an E collar. After a couple weeks of that you can have them supervised loose in the house, both dragging leashes, with Ath muzzled and e-collared...
  3. T

    Any advice on how to keep my recently recovered dog to stop fighting my other dog?

    @notcrosskill Fighting due to lack of exercise would still qualify her as dog aggressive prior to getting lost. Lack of exercise is not a cause for aggression, just exacerbates it. When you walk them, don’t allow them to interact at all for the first week or two. The muzzle training is so when...
  4. T

    Any advice on how to keep my recently recovered dog to stop fighting my other dog?

    @notcrosskill You said on occasion they fight, was that happening also before Ath got lost? Can you walk them together at all right now? I’d start there, have another family member take dobs, you take Ath. Begin walking and slowly get them closer to each other. Do it regularly. Keep on keeping...