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  1. S

    Comparing interior sizing of plastic crates (High End and Australian)

    Today I am sharing how the sizing of higher end dog crates compare. Importantly with this table, I am comparing the interior size of the crate, not the exterior size. The interior size is more reprehensive to what's required for the size of dog occupying it. Common Size Name Categorization is...
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    *VENT* Just because I use a prong with my dog doesn’t mean I think Every dog needs it or that I’m a bad or lazy dog parent

    @aegistoronto Yeah, the “No tools” movement has really been fed to a lot of people, to great success. And they are right in some aspects, a lot of dogs do not need any sort of ecollar, prong, chain collar, or frequently muzzled. Our breeding practices over the last 200 years have gone to ensure...
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    ~9 y/o small dog barks like crazy when I'm not home, and my neighbors are upset

    @carmensvineyard Part of the problem is the dog doesn’t know an alternative behavior instead of barking. And barking is actually quite self re-enforcing for it’s own sake, hence why it continues. Teach Quiet and Speak, then use quiet to actually ask for quiet. Video has more details: I agree...
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    E collar help or how to keep 2 dogs from fighting???

    @jtra5 Get them crate trained, then Crate and rotate.