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  1. T

    Q&A I wish I had read when I was struggling with puppy blues

    @nimmielza Rocket’s (mini Aussie) the same, though it seems like more and more he does actually need to go when he wakes up. There were a couple nights where my partner took him out over and over just to have him lay on the lawn and chew the grass for his two minutes like some sort of doggie...
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    Q&A I wish I had read when I was struggling with puppy blues

    @nimmielza He (my partner) has been a godsend honestly— our lil ball of mischief seems to be doing okay through the night now as of the end of week one, still needs to get up to do 1-2 potty breaks but no longer just screams at the top of his dog lungs for ten minutes before he understands in...
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    Q&A I wish I had read when I was struggling with puppy blues

    @vf6cruiser Oh man, this thread makes me feel so much better. We’ve had our little entity of mischief for just shy of a week and man my partner and I are TIRED. I watch him during the day and my partner does night crate duty. I do feel like we love him already but we seem to be on a...