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  1. C

    9 month Aussie Help

    @yasin Thank you!
  2. C

    9 month Aussie Help

    @truthseeker63 Thank you! It's so hard to practice the jumping issue at home because she doesn't jump up on me. I don't have friends that come over, so I have to find innocent bystanders... lol. In all seriousness, I have a session with a trainer next week and I wanted to post here to see if...
  3. C

    9 month Aussie Help

    I have a 9 month mini Aussie that is super smart - she learns very quickly. I've been having issues with walking her on a leash when she sees other dogs or people because she's very reactive. I took her into Lowe's the other day, and she did very well until the end when she wanted to launch at a...