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  1. J

    Advice needed, for an adopted Australian Cattle Dog

    @church1 I don’t have much advice as far as getting her comfortable around your family. But my cattle dog breaths super fast. I was kind of afraid he had a health problem when he was a puppy because he had a high bpm count. I wouldn’t worry about it, but you can always ask your vet to be safe...
  2. J

    How much do they really change around 1 year old?

    @mikail She will get used to it. I WFH and mine used to bug me to play and play when I was working. After a while he learned that work time is not play time. But after work we go have fun. I do take mine out for lunch everyday and he is super chill after that. Took me a long time to get to this...
  3. J

    How much do they really change around 1 year old?

    @mikail It’s tough! But stick with it, that age is especially hard. Mine is a year and a half now and still rowdy, just a bit smarter and somewhat better behaved than when he was younger. What worked for me, and I by no means have the best trained dog out there, was to just make things fun for...