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  1. H

    Golden retriever won’t get in our car but will get in anyone else’s

    @zoelifeme Yeah we’ve not tried this consistently but it’s definitely worth a go. And I think we’re just going to have to get over the fact it’s going to take ages 😅
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    Golden retriever won’t get in our car but will get in anyone else’s

    @godanswererdmyprayer I can’t pick her up unfortunately
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    Golden retriever won’t get in our car but will get in anyone else’s

    We’re at a bit of a loss as to what to do, so I’m looking for any suggestions at this point. Our 3.5 yr old golden retriever will get in literally anyone else’s car apart from ours. She was fine in our car until last summer, and we think she developed a concern about the car during a particular...
  4. H

    the barking during adolescence is driving me insane

    @ntenda This! My 6mo golden retriever is demand barking a bit but mostly alert barking! We’ve tried a few different things and thanking her has helped but it’s still a big problem for us. Where we live is...