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  1. D

    Never knew I’d love sleeping with a dog so much

    @marierouse Oh my gosh this is already happening. I just keep thinking he’s getting bigger but boy he takes up a lot of space and ALWAYS is touching me yes.
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    Never knew I’d love sleeping with a dog so much

    @lawabider Hahahaha it’s amazing how he fell off and ran right back up to the bed and I scooped him up.
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    Never knew I’d love sleeping with a dog so much

    @chelsea_harper Yes max lays horizontally to the bed!
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    Never knew I’d love sleeping with a dog so much

    @soldierofchrist45 Totally need to always be touching.
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    Never knew I’d love sleeping with a dog so much

    Growing up I had dogs but as a family rule they were never to be in beds and were mainly kept outside. They had nice big dog houses and a doggie dog but my dogs all slept outside. When I got older, dogs slowly came inside but still slept in their own bed. About four months ago I took in a...